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Ubon Spectre Gunships 1971-72


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AC-130A Gunship *55-0044 Prometheus*
# 3 & 4 props and Engine gearcases shot off Dec.1971. I was there when this incident occured. Apparently an anti-aircraft round struck # 3 Engine Propeller & Gearcase, shearing off (Clockwise Rotational Turn) #4 Propeller & gearcase. After speaking with ground maintenance personnel, it was learned that # 2 Engine's oil pressure dropped to "0" and eventually seizing the engine at touchdown. # 1 engine appeared to have been extrememly overstressed from its engine mounts. Sadly, after so much effort and many tweaks and adjustments, Prometheus was shot down by SA-2 SAM over Tchepone, Laos on 28 Mar 1972.

Above: Photo of Tom Combs, a special friend from our Ubon days. Tom Combs was the Crew Chief on Gunship Tail number 55-0044. After all the effort put forward to get this Gunship back in the air, sadly it was shot down over Laos on March 29, 1972.

Above: Photo of Robert Wollman standing next to the Spectre 16th SOS sign board. Courtesy of Robert Wollman.

Above: A close-up of the battle damage done to # 3 engine and gearcase. Photo from GP's Collection.

Above: A Propeller Systems Technician out of the 8th FMS Prop Shop examines the damage done to # 3 Engine & Gearcase. Photos taken the morning after the incident, December 12, 1971. Photos from GP's Collection.

Above: The Propeller Shop supervisor, Msgt Gonzalez and 2 other technicians out of the 8th FMS Prop Shop, examine the damage done to # 3 & 4 Engines & Gearcases. Photo taken the morning after the incident, December 12, 1971.

Above: A gathering of various shop supervisor's meet and exchange plans and adieas for coordinating repairs. Note: Many small shrapnel elements cut into the wing & fuselage. Photo from GP's Collection.

Above: Spectre Gunships flightline activity at Ubon 1972. Courtesy of Robert Wollman.

Above: Interior view looking in from the aft loading ramp. Photo from GP's Collection.

Above: Another view of the perimeter road that ran behind the AC-130A/E Spectre parking revetment ramps.

Above: This aerial shot was taken looking directly down on the fighter parking ramps. The words on the revetments read, "Home of the Wolfpack". I visited Ubon Air Base on October 2001 and after 30 years, the words "Home of the Wolfpack" are still visible today.

Above: A photo of a Spectre Cap and a 40mm round replica used on Spectre Gunsips. Courtesy of Robert Wollman.

Above: A photo of a reunion with Crew Chiefs Tom Combs (Lt) Crew Chief of 55-0044 and Robert Wollman (Rt) Crew Chief of 69-6571. Robert Wollman's aircraft 69-6571 was also shot down a short time after Tom Comb's aircraft was shot down. Photo courtesy of Robert Wollman.

Above: AC-130A, Serial # 0040, sits code 1 and ready for the nights mission sortie(s). Notice the 2-20mm Gatlin guns situated just forward and below # 2 Prop.

Above: Night photo of Robert Wollman's Spectre Gunship aircraft 69-6571. Robert Wollman also lost his aircraft on March 30, 1972 in An Loc. Courtesy of Robert Wollman.

Above: Photo of Spectre Gunship on the taxi way. Photo from GP's Collection.

Above: Undergoing Minor Fuel Cell maintenance in the Fuel Cell Pit area.

Above: This perimeter road ran behind the AC-130A/E Spectre parking revetment ramps. The ramps on the right are facing the West. As you see this photo, you are looking South.