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NKP Air Base - APO 96310

July 28, 2002


Chris Jeppeson's Nakhon Phanom (NKP) Website 1973

Air Force Seal

Geographical Location:
NKP (Nakhon Phanom) Royal Thai Air Base is located approximately 360 miles North-East of Bangkok and the Northern most base. The Mekong River makes up NKP's border against Laos.
Last Mission Flown on April 1, 1974
The Daily "FRAG"
"Camp Tar Box" named after Marine Col Tarbox!
Hootch named, "Wild Animal Kingdom"
Task Force Alpha (TFA) Hootch Bar
The Cricket Club
The Plaid Rat - Hootch Bar
Barracks "594" SPS
Weapons Loader AFSC - 426X0
The Army's 697th Engineer Company, Pipeline built NKP's Fuel Tank Farm!
The Base Level Talent Show *1972-73*
Lady Sux "10"
The big vehicle accident outside the main gate *1972-73*

Aircraft Assigned at various times during the Viet Nam war:

A-1E/G/H/J, A-26A, AC-119K, AU-23A (Fairchild), C-47,
EC-47, C-123K (Provider), HH-3, H-43B/F (Pedro),
OP-2E (Neptune) (Tail Codes MR #1-12), QU-22, RH-53, HH-53, T-28, O-1,
0-2A/B Sleeptime FAC(Skymaster), OV-10A (Pave Nail) (Bronco), U-10

** Units Currently Represented **

Armed Forces Thailand Network (AFTN)
* Station - 770
IBM (Civilian)
Joint Casualty Resolution Center (JCRC)
Office of Special Investigations, Detachment 5 (OSI)
Project Big Eagle
Radiation Inc. (Civilian)
Task Force Alpha (TFA)
USN Mobile Construction Battalion # 3, (MCB#3) Airstrip Construction *1962-63*
V0-67 "Observation Squadron Sixty Seven"
1st Air Commando Squadron (ACS)
1st Special Operations Squadron (SOS) *A-1* "HOBOS"
6th Aerial Port Squadron, Detachment 4 (APS)
7th Air Force
9th Bomb Squadron
10th Weather Squadron, Detachment 25 (WS)
14th Special Operations Wing (SOW)
18th Special Operations Squadron (SOS) "STINGER"
19th Tactical Air Support Squadron (TASS)
20th Special Operations Squadron (SOS) *Pony Express*
21st Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
22nd Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron (TASS)
34th Avionics Maintenance Squadron (AMS)
37th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron (AR&RS)
38th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron, Detachment 9 (AR&RS)
39th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron, Detachment 1 (AR&RS)
40th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron, Detachment 1(AR&RS)
56th Air Commando Wing (ACW)
56th Air Commando Wing, Detachment 1 (ACW)
56th Combat Support Group (CSG)
56th Special Operations Wing (SOW)
56th SOG (?)
56th Air Commando Squadron (ACS)
56th Supply Squadron (SUP)
56th Avionics Maintenance Squadron (AMS)
56th Civil Engineering Squadron (CES)
56th Field Maintenance Squadron (FMS)
56th Consolidated Maintenance Squadron (CAMS)
56th Organizational Maintenance Squadron (OMS)
56th Munitions Maintenance Squadron (MMS)
56th Security Police Squadron (SPS)
56th Transportation Squadron (TRANS)
56th Services Squadron (SVS)
56th Hospital Dispensary
58th TAC Fighter Squadron
70th Aviation Det (JCRC)
87th Communications Squadron (COMM) (?)
90th Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
99th SRS (?)
100th SRW
355th Field Maintenance Squadron (FMS)
360th Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, Detachment 1 (TEWS)
361st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (TEWS)
362nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (TEWS)
486th Bomb Squadron
456th Munitions Maintenance Squadron (MMS)
507th AC&W Squadron TDY from Shaw AFB, South Carolina *1964-65*
554th Reconnaissance Squadron (RS)
556th Civil Engineering Squadron (CES) "Redhorse"
556th Transportation Company - ARMY
601st Photo Flight Squadron
602nd Special Operations Wing (SOW)
602nd Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
602nd Air Commando Squadron (ACS)
602nd Organizational Maintenance Squadron (OMS)
603rd Air Commando Squadron (ACS) *Project Big Eagle*
603rd Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
605th Tactical Control Squadron (TCS) TDY from Clark AB, P.I.
606th Air Commando Squadron (ACS) "Operation Luck Tiger"
606th Air Commando Squadron, Detachment 1 (ACS)
606th Special Operations Squadron (SOS)
609th Air Combat Squadron (ACS) NIMROD
621st Tactical Control Squadron, Detachment 5 (TCS) (INVERT) 1966-75
634th SS (?)
697th Security Police Squadron (SPS)
728th AC&W Squadron TDY from Shaw AFB, South Carolina 1964-65
809th Engineer Battalion, "B" Company - ARMY
821st Security Police Squadron (SPS) (?)
902nd ACS (?)
1973rd Communications Squadron, Detachment 1 (COMM)
1980th Communications Squadron (COMM)
1987th Communications Squadron (COMM)
1998th Communications Squadron (COMM)
6235th Air Base Group (ABG)

6908th Electronic Security Squadron (SS) *Previously under USAFSS*
6910th Security Service (SS)
6994th Security Service (SS)
6994th Security Service, Detachment 3 (SS)